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文章来源:曹小华     发布时间:2022年10月21日     点击数:





简要介绍:博士生导师,2019年度云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”入选者。2012年1月毕业于中国科学院过程工程研究所,获工学博士学位。国家自然科学基金通讯评议人、教育部学位论文通讯评议人、EI Compendex收录期刊Int. J. Coal Sci. Technol.科学编辑、SCI源刊Energies客座编辑。Fuel等60余份学术期刊审稿人。Energy & Fuels 2023年度杰出审稿人、Int. J. Coal Sci. Technol. 2021和2023年度突出贡献科学编辑。指导的2篇研究生毕业论文入选云南省优秀硕士学位论文。作为主要参与人荣获2020年度中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院科技进步一等奖和2019年度云南省自然科学二等奖各1项。
















[1] Xu Y, Lun Z M, Wang H T, Zhao C P, Zhou X, Hu W J, Zou J,Zhang D F*. Understanding roles of moisture in CO2adsorption and desorption hysteresis on deep gas-bearing shales under high temperature and pressure.Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 334, 125970

[2] Xu Y, Lun Z M, Hu Z C, Guo J Q, Zhou X, Wang H T, Zhao C P, Zhang G L,Zhang D F*. Alterations in pore and fracture structure of coal matrix and its surrounding rocks due to long-term CO2-H2O-rock interaction: Implications for CO2-ECBM.Fuel, 2023, 352, 129104

[3] Tang X, Cai X W,Zhang D F*. Methane adsorption equilibrium on marine gas-bearing shale matrix: Polanyi potential theory approach.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2023, 62, 7235-7249

[4] Su H X, Wang H T, Li D Y,Zhang D F*. Diffusion and dissolution behaviors of CO2, CH4, and N2in heavy oil under high temperature and pressure conditions: Insights into heavy oil production via multi-thermal fluid stimulation.Energy & Fuels,2023, 37, 15753-15767

[5] Xu Y, Lun Z M, Pan Z J, Wang H T, Zhou X, Zhao C P,Zhang D F*. Occurrence space and state of shale oil: A review.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 211C, 110183 (ESI热点和高被引)

[6] Xu Y, Lun Z M, Wang H T, Zhou X, Zhao C P, Zhang G L,Zhang D F* Influences of controlled microwave field irradiation on occurrence space and state of shale oil: Implications for shale oil production.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 219, 111067

[7] Xu Y, Lun Z M, Zhou X, Zhang G L, Wang H T, Zhao C P, Zhang H,Zhang D F* Influences of microwave irradiation on pore, fracture and methane adsorption of deep shale.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2022, 101, 104489

[8] Zhang H, Lun Z M, Zhou X, Wang H T, Zhao C P,Zhang D F*. Role of H2O of gas-bearing shale in its physico-chemical properties and CH4adsorption performance alteration due to microwave irradiation.Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 19464-19480

[9] Yang R, Liu S L, Wang H T, Lun Z M, Zhou X, Zhao C P, Min C G, Zhang H, Xu Y,Zhang D F*. Influence of H2O on adsorbed CH4on coal displaced by CO2injection: Implication for CO2sequestration in coal seam with enhanced CH4recovery (CO2-ECBM).Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 15817-15833

[10] Fu X X, Lun Z M, Zhao C P, Zhou X, Wang H T, Zhou X T, Xu Y, Zhang H,Zhang D F*. Influences of controlled microwave field irradiation on physicochemical property and methane adsorption and desorption capability of coals: Implications for coalbed methane (CBM) production.Fuel, 2021, 301, 121022

[11] Fu X X, Zhao C P, Lun Z M, Wang H T, Wang M,Zhang D F*. Influences of controlled microwave field radiation on pore structure, surface chemistry and adsorption capability of gas-bearing shales.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 130, 105134

[12] Liu S L, Fu X X, Xu Y, Lun Z M, Zhao C P, Wang H T,Zhang D F*. Influence of water on nitrous oxide adsorption and desorption on coals.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 4714-4726

[13]Luo C J,Zhang D F*,Lun Z M, Zhao C P, Wang H T, Pan Z J, Li Y H, Zhang J, Jia S Q.Displacement behaviors of adsorbed coalbed methane on coals by injection of SO2/CO2binary mixture.Fuel, 2019,247, 356-367

[14]Zhang D F*, Li C, Zhang J, Lun Z M, Jia S Q, Luo C J, Jiang W P. Influences of dynamic entrainer-blended supercritical CO2fluid exposureon high-pressure methane adsorption on coals.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2019, 66, 180-191

[15] Huo P L,Zhang D F*, Yang Z, Li W, Zhang J, Jia S Q. CO2geological sequestration: displacement behavior of shale gas methane by carbon dioxide injection.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,2017,66, 48-59

[16]Zhang D F*, Wang H H, Wang Q Q, Li W, Jiang W P, Huo P L, Zhang J, Zhu L, Duan G Q, Du C C. Interactions of nitric oxide with various rank coals: Implications for oxy-coal combustion flue gas sequestration in deep coal seams with enhanced coalbed methane recovery.Fuel, 2016, 182, 704-712

[17]Wang Q Q, Li W,Zhang D F*,Wang H H, Jiang W P, Zhu L, Tao J, Huo P L, Zhang J. Influence of high-pressure CO2exposure on adsorption kinetics of methane and CO2on coals.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34, 811-822

[18]Zhang D F,Li S G*, Cui Y J, Song W L, Lin W G.Displacement behavior of methane adsorbed on coal by CO2injection.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50, 8742-8749


[1]张登峰.一种伴随乙炔生产同步获得二氧化碳吸收剂的方法.专利号: ZL 201410137926.5

[2]张登峰,张锦,王浩浩,等.一种强化煤体二氧化碳吸附性能的方法.专利号: ZL 201610155945.X

[3]张登峰,霍培丽,杨振,等.一种强化煤体二氧化碳吸附性能并协同封存二氧化硫的方法.专利号: ZL201610569980.6
